For 7 years we have been on a content writing mission. We have prided ourselves on creating innovative, playful and research informed lessons and learning activities for you to use with your students. This has included but not limited to:
- Over 100 videos
- 500 learning activities that take under 5 minutes to complete
- Stories, reflection questions, comprehension tasks, presentations, units of work, print outs…
You name it, we have been busy creating and writing it.

Our aim has always been to make wellbeing meaningful and engaging for kids.
We have listened to your needs and what your students are after. E.g. Teachers reached out to say we need to do more to help kids overcome their fears: we created lessons, songs and a podcast episode about an important question we can teach our guard to ask: Is this a threat, a challenge or an opportunity?

We heard you ask for playful and age appropriate ways to teach consent: boom – you now have an entire consent education module that is full of learning activities and units of work you can use from K – 6.
Friendships! You contacted us and said you needed help to teach kids how to make and keep friends AND how to repair friendships too. We made content on healthy vs unhealthy friendships, the steps in making amends, setting boundaries and the benefits of generous assumptions.
We love and value hearing from you. And we also heard you loud and clear when it came to our greatest achilles heel at Grow Your Mind. Our platform.
You told us that the content was the best out there but it was impossible to find what you were looking for, frustrating and overwhelming. The sheer volume made it tricky! We are an impact organisation, this was NOT music to our ears. And so we have researched, developed and created a brand NEW, greatly improved platform.
We are delighted to inform you that our achilles heel has become our super power. We kid you not, this new platform is so well organised you might just need to do a happy dance and excited squeal to cope with how awesome and easy it is to use.
So what is so fantastic and exciting about this new platform?! Let’s start with 7 excellent reasons:
- You can search for things, EASILY!

You can filter by wellbeing area, resource type, stage and curriculum outcome. No more wondering where on earth that awesome lesson on mindful breathing went.
- Our continuum of learning is clearly laid out with 5 core wellbeing themes to visit every year.

We have mapped and separated all of our content out so that each year level will revisit core wellbeing themes but have different learning activities each time. These core wellbeing themes are based on the research that informs Grow Your Mind: Brain Health, Emotional Regulation, Friendships + Belonging, Resilience and Gratitude + Joy. While we still believe you can listen and relisten to certain podcast episodes, watch Guess Who videos again and more, we understand that predominantly schools wish to provide their students with different learning experiences each year. You will now find an outline of learning choices for each year group that fall under each wellbeing theme. See example below.

Part of this continuum of learning ALSO means you can select different units of work more easily. And all of these units of work have their curriculum outcomes mapped. You can now search for your year level and plan out your year of health and wellbeing knowing which outcomes you can expect your students to achieve.

Each unit of work will have a google slide, google doc and PDF version from you to choose from.

- Curriculum outcomes mapped for all content areas
Yee haa! You can relax, not only is our content rock star, but you can now see clearly how it links with the current NSW and Australian curriculum. At the top of a page you will see an information icon, click on this and a pop up box will appear that tells you the wellbeing themes and curriculum outcomes.

5. You will receive updates when we create new content.
We heard you on this too! Schools were surprised to find gold nuggets of content that they had no idea we created. No more surprises, you will be updated automatically when we create new content. How good is that?!
6. Implementation videos are part of this platform.
We have combined our old implementation course ( as the messaging around mental health and wellbeing still applies) but we have updated it to include showing you how to use the new platform. Watch this as an individual or with your whole staff. Get everyone involved.
7. All the brilliant content is STILL there, just easier to find and easier to know how it links to the curriculum.
The podcasts, the songs, the animations, the videos, the breathing exercises. They are all there. You just won’t suffer from a panic attack trying to find them or curse Grow Your Mind while looking for that excellent growth mindset poster. We are still committed to creating new and authentic content and to making changes when you reach out to us. We just now have a platform that enables you to teach it more effectively and allows us to organise it in a way that ensures kids are receiving the best mental health education possible.

So hand on heart, we truly think our achilles heel has become our super power. The organisation of this content is greatly improved. We cannot wait to hear from you. We are delighted and full of gratitude for all of the schools, individual teachers and friends of Grow Your Mind who shaped, inspired and gave their insights into the new platform.
Not a Grow Your Mind school? There has never been a better time to join. Book a call with one of our friendly staff to find out more.
And if you are a Grow Your Mind school it’s time to make the transition to our new platform. We are here to help.