Growing Respect PD Bundle

Self-led, online on-demand

More than 30 participants? Other questions or custom requests?

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Australian Professional Teacher Standards (AITSL)

  • 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
  • 4.1 Support student participation
  • 4.4 Maintain student safety
  • 6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice
  • 7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities

This workshop can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT) or NESA PD elective hours (NSW).

About this Bundle

4 hours

This bundle offers staff an opportunity to apply wellbeing strategies to themselves, as well as gain skills in helping students navigate friendships, understand the nuances of permission and create a school wide culture of kindness.

It consists of 4 self led courses that cover:

  1. Introduction to Staff wellbeing (2 hours)
  2. Building Friendship Skills (30 mins)
  3. Consent Education – (1 hour) 
  4. Inspiring a Culture of Kindness + Respect – (45 mins) 

Find the details of each course below 

Staff Wellbeing

teachers doing the Grow Your Mind Professional Development Course

Remember student wellbeing is not a spectator sport

We have a two-hour staff wellbeing course which is fairly delightful.

The goal of this 2 hour professional development/learning  course is for all school staff to discover, practice and hopefully be inspired to prioritise their own wellbeing. Using the latest research from the world of positive psychology, mindfulness and neuroscience we aim to keep the workshop engaging and playful.

Learning Activities

  1. Understand stress, the good and the bad
  2. Receive invitations on ways to flourish both at school and at home 
  3. Begin to identify character strengths and personal values. Explore how these differ and ways to live by the values we determine
  4. Dip into the world of neuroscience
  5. Practice some mindfulness-based activities to help be less reactive to situations and unhelpful thinking patterns. 
  6. Make a personal plan for the future based on invitations that resonated with each participant.

Building Friendship Skills

The Building Friendship Skills PD is designed for teachers in primary schools to create an environment where healthy friendships and positive relationships are at the heart of the learning environment.

You will learn:

  • What a healthy vs unhealthy friendship is
  • Students to be problem solvers vs problem seekers
  • Dealing with conflict productively
  • Making amends respectfully
  • Avoiding unnecessary conflict with emotional regulation

Consent Education

Consent education is mandatory across all schools as of 2023. This is fantastic, but what does that mean for our already busy and overloaded educators?! Where do you begin?

This one hour PD explains age appropriate consent education. A strong focus on understanding permission, power imbalances, receiving a no with respect and the golden rules of consent.

You will learn:

  1. Know the golden rules of consent
  2. Understand the building blocks necessary to be able to consent and ask for permission
  3. Become familiar with our scope and sequence and lesson plans
  4. Explore our consent tile of learning activities, songs, episodes and activities
  5. Practice and play with some of the fantastic resources we have created 

And more!

This pre-recorded course is light, playful and provides numerous hands-on activities. Do it alone or at the same time as your colleagues.

Inspiring a Culture of Kindness + Respect

The Inspiring a Culture of Kindness + Respect PD is designed for teachers in primary schools to create an environment that is friendly, inclusive, and kind. This PD aims to equip teachers with the skills to motivate their students to be kinder than necessary and to show respect regardless of differences.

You will learn:

  • How to teach the attributes that enable kindness
  • Routines that build kindness and a sense of belonging in the classroom
  • The place joy has in building a kind school, a simple classroom technique to allow time for it
  • Kindness in action. Creating a be-of-benefit mindset
  • Bullying, being rude or being mean? Spotting the difference and helping kids do the same
  • How to inspire “a kind to all” attitude, not just your mates. Tips for encouraging kindness even when no one is looking!

How to enrol

  1. Purchase the course online
  2. For self-led online courses, we will send you an invitation within a few hours. Please keep an eye out for an email from Instructure Canvas LMS. When purchasing for multiple users, you will be given access to an enrolment tool to invite additional users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Self-led, online on-demand

More than 30 participants? Other questions or custom requests?

Book a call

Australian Professional Teacher Standards (AITSL)

  • 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
  • 4.1 Support student participation
  • 4.4 Maintain student safety
  • 6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice
  • 7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities

This workshop can be counted towards teacher identified learning hours (ACT) or NESA PD elective hours (NSW).

Complete the form below and we will be in touch with more information!

    Login for Schools signed after 11th October 2023

    Login for Schools signed up before 11th October 2023

    We have just launched the Grow Your Mind schools program on a new LMS platform, with improved user experience and new features. We will be migrating all our schools across to this platform over the coming months. If you have any questions please get in touch.

    Hannah, a Grow Your Mind ambassador teacher, shows how she uses the emotional checkin tool

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